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Help! I'm a parent event

As new parents, Christian and I were keen to attend the ‘Help I’m a Parent!’ event (which took place on Monday 9th March), even more so upon finding out it was being held at Pizza Express! We were hoping to find out more about what the Bible says about parenting and chat with more experienced parents.

Sam B led the event and chose the beginning of Psalm 78 (v1-8) to unpack. We alternated between hearing from Sam and time in discussion groups chatting through questions relating to the passage and parenting in general.

We learnt, and were reminded of, what it means to be a Christian parent; to disciple our kids in knowing Jesus and God’s word. We learnt that this all starts with our own personal walk with God so that it’s an established way of life our kids are simply joining us in. One of the most important takeaways for us was that, as with everything, we can’t lead our kids to Christ ourselves, it’s something we have to trust in Him for!

We found it really helpful to talk to parents with kids of a similar age to find that we all have similar worries and fears but that we don’t have to face them alone. The church family is a God-ordained part of raising our children and it’s not something we have to do completely on our own!

We would definitely attend similar events in the future, especially if there is pizza involved.

You can listen to Sam's talk here.

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