Our Prayer Ministry Team
Every Sunday, Jaco and Debbie Bruwer head up our prayer ministry team. I really think that they are Trinity at Four's best kept secret. God has clearly given them both the gifts and the passion for this role, and I'd love us all to make good use of them. Here they explain in their own words what it's all about. Read on... and then go for it! Make the most of Trinity at Four's best kept secret..
What is prayer ministry?
Jesus taught us to speak to God as our Heavenly Father who cares about all of our needs. In prayer ministry we do that together as brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, lifting our concerns, pains, hurts and needs to Him in prayer. We invite Him into our situation and look to Him for whatever we need in that moment and time.
Jesus came to ‘heal the broken-hearted, comfort those who mourn, to set the captives free (Isaiah 61) and to 'restore to us the years that the locusts have eaten' (Joel 2:25). In prayer ministry we are asking for His Kingdom to come, and to break into our situation, on earth as it is in heaven.
Who is it for?
For anyone and every one: couples, individuals, even families.
When does it happen?
Every Sunday after the service we meet to the side at the front of church.
What kind of things might someone want to come for prayer about?
There is no prayer too small or too big for God! You may want prayer for:
Something God has spoken to us about in the service
A friend or relative
Any physical or emotional hurt, pain or sickness (for you or others)
Guidance and wisdom in a particular situation
Jesus is our great Counsellor our Healer, Deliverer, Saviour, Redeemer, and Restorer and He invites us to come to him to meet us at our greatest point of need, whatever that may be.