Trinity Together blog
I've attended Trinity at Four for around three years, but I hadn't gone to an in-person Trinity Together prayer evening until last month. Part of that is the pandemic, part of it is the difficulties of juggling childcare, work and the generally busy life things most of us have.
But I also have to admit that part of it is I'm sometimes reluctant to rouse myself from a rare free evening to go to church and spend hours praying. I do know prayer is important, i've even time and again seen God answer prayer in wonderful ways for me and for others. But the prospect of going to a corporate prayer meeting can feel less important, or less exciting, or more work than I know it actually is. My suspicions that I was really missing out on something when I didn't attend were roundly confirmed after going along last time. It was good to see familiar faces and to chat to some people I didn't know yet, it was good to hear news about the life of the church and the impact we are having in Henley, but it was really great to pray. Whether it was giving thanks for the ways God has blessed us as a church, praying for peace in Ukraine or asking for God's help in our future plans, bringing it all to our Maker really does give a contentment that nothing else can. Praying continuously as a large group is also excellent, as strange as that can sound. It brings a different dynamic of togetherness and encouragement, and the many hands there can make light work of the weighty and important issues we need to bring to God.
So now, though it may still be hard to grab my keys and drive to Henley after a busy day, I know there are few better ways that I could spend my evening.
Christian Nimmo