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T4 Monday Morning Prayer meeting

We'd love to give readers some more insight into what goes on at Trinity at Four during the week, not just on Sundays. This week, Peta Guillebaud, a member of the congregation and a regular at the Monday morning prayer meeting, shares her thoughts:

The Monday morning prayer meeting takes place at 8am on Zoom every Monday and finishes at 8.30am. The time is never going to suit everybody but it is a real privilege to start the week in this way.

At the moment we are a very small group. There are wry smiles when Sam yawns, or we see Peter finishing off his breakfast. They have had a busy Sunday so we excuse them!

Our personal prayer needs are flagged up; we remind each other of things happening during the week; names of sick people are mentioned; we pray for the schools, the churches, our mission partners; we pray for town events and much more.

Sam opens with a very short Bible reading and then we pray. No pressure to pray aloud, silence is good. Often we pray for things we hadn’t identified as needing prayer. And of course we give thanks and praise for the good things that have happened, or for prayers that have been answered.

In James 5:16 we read that “the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” We claim this to be true and encourage those who have a heart for prayer to consider joining this short Monday morning prayer session.

An aside - often people give up things for Lent. Perhaps this is a chance to take up something new and maybe it will become part of your week you don’t want to miss...


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