Baby Cafe reunited
At the end of this summer, on 29th August, we held a Baby Cafe Reunion at Trinity Church. A big thank you to Peta Guillbaud and Sally Jones for coming along to help with refreshments! It was lovely to have church mums who'd come along to Baby Cafe there too. All-in-all we welcomed around 15 families to church to celebrate our Covid babies starting school this September!
Baby Cafe was run by a team from Trinity at Four throughout lockdown in 2020-2021 for the academic year. We started it in response to both the need for new parents to be supported and experience community and also because the government (perhaps recognising this need!) made an allowance for support groups for up to 15 new parents to run throughout all the lockdown restrictions. It was a wonderfully fruitful time! We sang with the babies (thanks to Abbie Nimmo and Francis Williams on the guitar!), we had talks and interviews with locals involved in baby-related businesses and services, we provided homemade cakes and coffee/tea, we bought weighing scales so that mums could weigh their babies each week and we provided socially distanced tables and toys where mums could still chat and get to know others. Most importantly, we took opportunities to share the gospel - a little bible study that people could come early for, interviews and testimonies with Christians at the front, starting each session with a bible verse and prayer and inviting the families to church events. So many of these families have gone on to have lasting links with church via Christmas services, Follow the Star, Junior Jivers (which started after Covid restrictions mostly ended), Jivers and now the restarted Baby Cafe on Fridays, and a few have even been to church more regularly for periods of time.
Praise the Lord for the wonderful opportunity that we had and let's pray we keep making the most of those in the future too as we meet people's needs and hold out the hope the Life in Jesus!