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Trinity at Four Children's Work

We love children and young people here at Trinity at Four and our mission to be church for everyone most definitely includes them! We want to introduce every young person who comes through our doors to Jesus, so they have the opportunity to know and love him.

Psalm 78:4 states that as God’s people, it’s our job to “...tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord”.

It’s a great privilege and a lot of fun to be able to serve in this way. We have a wonderful team of church family who serve our children and young people in one of five groups during our Sunday Services; Little Chimes (baby and Toddler group on Friday) and Ignite (Friday night youth group).

We are always in need of people to help serve on these teams - do you think you might be able to do so?

Helping in a kids’ group on a Sunday is only a commitment one week in every three and is a great opportunity to serve and get to know some of our younger church family members a bit better. We aim to provide lots of help and support so even if you’ve never done anything like this before, do consider it!

Ed Patterson, who is one of our Torches (yrs 3-5) leaders, has really enjoyed leading over the past year: "it's been awesome getting to know the kids better and exploring their understanding of Jesus in fun ways. We have great resources that allow us to give fun and dynamic lessons, confident that the kids are learning from the Bible."

If you want any more information or are interested in getting involved, do contact Lucy or Peter, we’d love to hear from you.

It is also our hope to run a holiday club for primary school aged kids during the last week of the summer holidays (24th-28th August). In order to do this we would need a team of church family to be involved, both with the kids and behind the scenes. If you would like to be involved in any way with this, please do contact Peter.

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