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Reflecting on T@4's weekend away

We have a recommendation for your final weekend of summer holidays [or whichever weekend it falls on next year] - go on the Trinity At Four weekend away!

We loved our weekend away as it was an opportunity to get to know the church family better outside of a Sunday afternoon service. It was an inclusive weekend where you didn’t have to be an established mature Christian, or even a Christian at all, in order to be welcomed and take part.

Camping over the weekend gave us the opportunity to get to know others better, not just through small talk over a cup of tea but at a deeper level through sharing time together and sharing our faith in a less “schooled” environment. It was the demonstration of and participation in practical application of our Christian faith: be inclusive by organising a game that everyone can take part in, resolve conflict on a soccer field, coach and discipline your children, gather together to pray, enjoy a glass of wine beside a crackling

fire... We have felt the difference already by walking into church on Sunday and feeling a deeper sense of belonging and connection with those around us.

By engaging with the church family and the church leadership outside of their formal Sunday roles we also became more aware of the needs within the church and opportunities to serve. We recognised and appreciated the willingness of others to serve, whether it was organising the event, helping put the late-comers’ tents up or running the children’s ministry and it inspired us to do our bit too where we can.

To summarise, the weekend away was a bonding experience for our entire family and one where we spent more regular time with God, including Him in all aspects and celebrating the family He has put us into - Trinity at Four.

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