Celebrating a Golden wedding anniversary
We are most touched that the Trinity at Four fellowship, composed as it is of mostly much younger people, has shown interest in our recent Golden Wedding celebration.
Fifty years is not exactly a target you aim for when you walk down the aisle (that might get even the most devoted young couple running for the exit) and neither is it the end, just another milepost on a shared journey. We wish we had some words of wisdom to pass on but we’re not experts in marriage - we’ve only ever done one!
Sam asked us two questions in church, firstly “What has been the best thing about being married?”. Mutual support always there sums it up - sharing through happy times (seeing children and grandchildren grow up), sad times (the deaths of parents and siblings) and stressful times (money worries, redundancy, health issues). Neither of us has had to face any of it on our own.
Secondly “What has helped us stay together?” Good role models around us has been a great help. Both of us came from stable homes (and we are thankful our children’s relationships are enduring well so far too). Divorce rates were low in those days and most of our friends are still married. And we knew it was for keeps (there were none of the marriage-lite options the government is introducing now, from easy divorce to civil partnerships) so had a serious commitment to the venture and no eye on the “Cancel” button!
Tackling a joint endeavour also cemented the bond - securing a safe and happy home for our children to grow up in would have been the “mission statement” (if we’d had such a thing!).
And, for us, a growing faith has been central. Neither of us was a committed Christian when we first married - Sunday mornings meant taking the children swimming. But joining a welcoming and vibrant church which involved the whole family changed our lives. Making friends in the fellowship, getting involved in church life and seeing the witness of other Christians began a journey of discovery which is still on-going.
The arrival of Trinity at Four has opened a new chapter and we give thanks for this. And we pray for all couples and families who attend this church; may you be greatly blessed.