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And they're off!

On Sunday 28th January we had our first Trinity at Four service- and how thankful to God we were! It was thrilling to have about 60 adults and 30 children come along to sing, interact, pray, and learn more about Jesus together. Everyone stayed around for kids’ tea (spag bol), coffee and cake afterwards, and it was lovely to see people chatting, getting to know new people and generally enjoying themselves. Of course, this is just the first step of many to come! Still, it represents a significant milestone since the Trinity at Four adventure began, and I thought I would share 5 things I’m especially thankful to God for

1. The Lord Jesus and His good news

He is the one who brings us together, and without Him at the centre, nothing would hold together. We began a series in John’s gospel- ‘Meet Jesus’. We saw his first miracle, the water into wine, a picture of all Jesus came to bring: joy, celebration, feasting! The challenge is to out-celebrate the world! Celebrating Jesus openly and joyfully.

2. A church family growing in love

It’s early days! But already I rejoice to see people serving each other in many different ways: chatting to people not known to them, helping prepare the children’s tea, helping to teach the children in their groups, setting up and down. Not just ‘jobs’, but acts of service done in love. And as the Bible leads us to expect there was a wonderful mix of people- every age and stage represented!

3. Families seeking to follow Jesus together

It was wonderful to have so many children there, and reports from the groups were that they enjoyed themselves! But it was equally wonderful to have families in various shapes and sizes, wanting to make Jesus part of their lives not just as individuals, but as a family.

4. Unity across different congregations

We were very well hosted by Christ Church, and their minister, Glyn, couldn’t have done more to make us feel welcome. It was a wonderful example of generous hospitality, for which we are very grateful. Members of the morning congregation at Trinity also came along, and it was humbling to see their servant-heart eagerness to see this new congregation flourish. It's a wonderful expression of the unity the Spirit creates between believers.

5. The excitement of a new beginning and fresh opportunities

It may have just been me, but I sensed a real excitement about the possibilities of this new congregation. I am certainly praying that God would use this new congregation at the heart of Henley to exalt Jesus, to engage Henley with his good news, and to equip disciples of every age to live for him.

Already looking forward to the next service on Sun Feb 25th! But above all,

“Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.”

Psalm 103:1-2

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