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The Marriage Course

We'd love to invite any married couples in our Henley community to join us for The Marriage Course, which will be running this October and November. Find out more information below and please do share this flyer with anyone you think might be interested.


What is the marriage course?

The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage.  The Marriage Course is based on Christian principles but designed for all couples with or without a church background. For more information see the Marriage Course website

Introductory drinks evening 

We start with an introductory drinks evening on Monday 11th October. This will take place at Holy Trinity Church, RG9 1SE, at 8pm. This informal evening gives you the chance to:


  • Meet other couples

  • Hear from a few people who have done the marriage course in the past

  • Hear more about how the course will run over the following weeks

  • Collect your free course materials. 

Drinking Wine
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How will the course run? 

The course will run online. We encourage couples to set aside the evening and make it a little special! Sharing a nice meal, for example.

Each week we will begin with a brief catch up and recap, hosted on Zoom by Sam and Lucy Brewster. Then each couple will watch the main session, which includes plenty of time for private discussion. At the end of the session, we'll briefly reconvene to round the evening off. 


At no point are couples ever asked to share anything publicly, or with other couples. 

When will the course run?

The sessions will run on Monday evenings, 7:45-9-30pm.


18th October -  Session 1: Strengthening Connection

25th October  - No Meeting

1st November  - Session 2: The Art of Communication

8th November - Session 3: Resolving Conflict

15th November  - Session 4: The Power of Forgiveness

22nd November  - Session 5: The Impact of Family

29th November - Session 6: Good Sex

6th December  - Session 7: Love in Action

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How can I sign up? 




Please sign up HERE


If you have any questions before signing up, please do contact Sam Brewster

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